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The management team at Skylark Ventures has decades of experience with startups to the Fortune 500. We have engineered 9-figure growth strategies, worked in the private and public capital markets, and appeared several times on the Inc. 5000 List of Fastest Growing Companies in the United States. 

Our specialties include:

Leadership Consulting

Our management consulting experience was built by combining MBA-level strategies with the real-world experience that can only come from running companies directly. We use our “practical application” framework that helps take conventional business wisdom and distill it down to what actually works in running a successful, thriving organization. Our consulting work includes executive coaching, leadership team alignment, management system implementation, and – most importantly – helping you look holistically at the business to identify and solve the biggest hurdles and bottlenecks systemwide.

Growth Consulting

Our sales and marketing experience comes from successfully running a multinational communications agency that has worked with Berkshire Hathaway, Yale, Avangrid, and numerous private and public companies. We can assist with lead generation programs, direct sales programs, traditional and digital media, public relations, employer branding, and more.

Turnaround Consulting

Skylark’s founder wrote the book on using “strategic brutal honesty” to help create cultural and operational change within any organization. Using those change management principles, we help companies execute complex turnarounds by overhauling the leadership culture, installing management best practices, revamping sales and marketing programs, assessing legal and HR risks, and installing a new corporate strategy to lead the company into its next iteration of growth.

M&A Consulting

Our extensive experience in nine-figure M&A roll-ups helps guide many of our portfolio projects. Occasionally, we will consult for external organizations on M&A deals and roll-ups to help with valuations, due diligence work, cultural merger exercises, strategic alignment plans, exit strategies, and more.

Investor Relations

We have helped run IR for ourselves and others for decades, and our services include fundraising strategy, capital introductions, legal guidance, investor communications, and more.

Exit Consulting

Our entire firm is geared towards helping founders achieve liquidity events. To that end, we help with optimizing your financial picture, setting and then enhancing your valuation, constructing your due diligence data room, helping to coordinate with brokers and tax advisors, and everything else you need to achieve a successful exit.

If you’d like to apply to work with us