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Part of what makes Skylark Ventures unique is its wholly-owned accelerator program with dozens of promising founders all learning and growing together. 

Unlike typical private equity firms that are only interested in middle-market to enterprise opportunities, our team works in the small cap space where we can add significant value and capture commensurate returns. To get a consistent stream of these opportunities, we have pioneered a proprietary deal flow mechanism that creates a win-win-win for founders, managers, and investors.

Our Strategy

Our strategy is to provide education, resources, and leadership support that creates a strong relationship with promising founders. In our accelerator program, founders are taken through a 16-part curriculum designed to teach MBA-level skills tailored to the entrepreneurial experience, giving them exactly what they need to know to scale and exit their business the right way. In addition, we support  our founders with weekly office hours where they work one-on-one with our own management team to diagnose and fix any issues that come up as they grow.

Each year, 1 to 3 founders will graduate into our Skylark Ventures portfolio of companies, partnering with us to scale and exit the business typically for 8 to 9-figures. For those companies, we provide management consulting, C-suite support, our complete toolkit, our vendor network, and – coming soon – a variety of capital tools including equity financing, convertible debt, lines of credit, and more.

There is simply no other private equity firm that builds relationships by opening up their playbook; however, our accelerator program opens access to thousands of applicants each year across different industries, sizes, and stages of growth, giving us an edge over our peers.